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Thomas, sous l'identité Kural, endosse les rôles de chamane, de guérisseur, d'alchimiste et d'entrepreneur.


Son intention de contribution dans le monde provient de son désir profond d'aider le collectif à grandir en conscience, à ascensionner en empruntrant le chemin magique du Coeur et de l'Amour.

Il poursuit son développement personnel et son service accompagné de ses Guides, Anges, Etres de Lumières, Gaia, et l'infini Créateur, dans une dynamique d'expérimentation de la vie et du mystère de la Création. 

Contact Kural



Malvina Hellborg, SWEDEN

"Thomas is a highly talented and multi gifted healer. He is a powerful light worker with a beautiful and deep connection to Spirit and the Divine. His different ceremonial offerings are masterful and done with such pure and balanced presence of the divine masculine and feminine. I really appreciate the healing container and space that he creates holding space for deep transformation for so many of us.

Thomas really embodies the true essence of awaken alchemy of the heart.. And coming from this pure heart center he is in a constant flow sharing this wisdom of love with such crystal clarity..
It has deeply touched my heart to witness Him being in pure service to his community family and friends with so much unconditional love ❤️ I am so very grateful have co-created sacred space together..

Could not recommend more to have a healing session or a direct life changing experience on one of us upcoming events and retreats."

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